Star Codes: Oct. 2 to 8

Let this Friday the 13th bring luck; Friday is a Venusian day, and right now Venus is in her own friendly, aesthetic sign of Libra.A kind and congenial moment can ease the day. Stop and see beauty in the tints of early fall leaves, notice a far horizon or the way paint chipping off a door reveals interesting layers of color. These aesthetic moments can help us deal with an ambient edginess and a puzzle of responsibilities we might feel with the sun and Mercury now in nervy Virgo.

As the weekend begins notice serious thoughts and potentially heavy decisions as a competence-inducing Capricorn moon conjuncts Pluto. The mood grows more sociable over the weekend as the collaborative Aquarius moon forms a grand trine with Venus and Jupiter. This trine is great for gatherings and finding interesting new connections in the mix.

Our hearts grow tender and spill over early next week as the moon waxes full in sensitive Pisces. A lunar eclipse on Tuesday highlights any tension we feel between our vulnerabilities and the workaday world. Some inner emotional truth could be revealed.

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